Order by Wednesday 11/13 12PM for Special Lunch on Thursday 11/21

The next Special Lunch (Buona Beef) is on Thursday, November 21st. Orders must be placed by 12pm on Wednesday, November 13th. See ordering instructions HERE

Principal's Corner

Picture Retake Day: Monday, November 11th

If your child was absent on picture day, their name is already on the retake list. If you are unhappy with your original photo, please email Mary Lynn Miscimarra at mmiscimarra@d181.org or call Elm's office at 630-861-4001 to add your child's name to the retake list. If a picture package was purchased, please return the package to the photographer. Be aware that the retake photo replaces the original photo.


Parent Teacher Conferences - Sign Up Now Open

You now have access to schedule parent-teacher conference(s) for your child through Skyward Family Access. Parent-teacher conferences will be held from 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Monday, November 25th, and 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th. Elementary conferences are scheduled for 15 minutes in length. Parent-teacher conference sign-up will close on November 15th at 3:00 p.m. 

Once you log into Skyward, you will have the option to sign up for a conference with your child’s elementary classroom teacher. We look forward to seeing you in our schools on November 25-26, 2024. 

Please use this document for detailed directions on how to sign up using Skyward Family Access. If you are having any issues with Skyward selecting your child's conference, please email nskrip@d181.org.


CogAT - 2nd and 5th Grade Only

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be administered to all second and fifth grade students between November 11-15, 2024.  

The 5th Grade CogAT is comprised of three sections, each taking approximately 30 minutes with breaks in between:

  • Verbal: measures a child’s ability to remember and transform sequences of words, to understand them and to make inferences and judgements about them. 

  • Quantitative: measures a child’s understanding of relational mathematical concepts and ability to discover patterns, to figure out a rule or principle, and to transfer this information. 

  • Non-Verbal: measures a child’s ability to reason using pictures and shapes. In addition, this section appraises a child’s ability to use his/her cognitive resources in new situations.

The 2nd Grade CogAT is comprised of two sections, each taking approximately 30 minutes with breaks in between:

  • Quantitative: measures a child’s understanding of relational mathematical concepts and ability to discover patterns, to figure out a rule or principle, and to transfer this information. 

  • Non-Verbal: measures a child’s ability to reason using pictures and shapes. In addition, this section appraises a child’s ability to use his/her cognitive resources in new situations.  

The Elm School schedule is as follows:

11/11 - 2nd Grade Quantitative

11/12 - 2nd Grade Non-Verbal, 5th Grade Verbal

11/13 - 5th Grade Quantitative

11/14 - 5th Grade Non-Verbal

11/15 - Make Up Assessments 


The results of the CogAT will be utilized in D181 for varied purposes. First and foremost, the scores are used to drive classroom and instructional practices to guide our efforts in adapting teaching methods to meet the varied needs of our students. Second, the scores will also be used as one component in an assessment portfolio to determine areas of strength and identification for program placement. This is just one piece of the data that school staff will review as a component of multiple criteria used in planning for your child’s course trajectory.


How your child can prepare for assessment—and what you can do to help

A student who is well-rested and well-fed and has a positive attitude about testing is best prepared for testing. You can help your child do his or her best by considering these tips:

  • Make sure that your child is in school and on time on her or his assigned test day.

  • Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and eats a healthy breakfast before each day of testing.

  • Remind your child that these tests are only one measure. Emphasize that you have confidence in his or her ability to do the best job possible.

  • Remind your child to listen to the directions and read each question carefully during testing.

Your child’s score report will be sent home after administration is complete and all reports are printed.  We appreciate your ongoing support. If you have any questions about the CogAT administration, please contact your child’s teacher or principal. 


Elm School Spelling Bee

This year, The Elm School Scripps Spelling Bee will be offered to our third through fifth grade students. During the week of December 2nd, written spelling bees will be conducted in each third, fourth and fifth grade classroom. To prepare, students should start with the classroom bee study list below that includes words from level 3, 4 and 5, all of which may be included in the school bee. Every child in these grades will be given a study list, however, this is an optional activity. This "test" will not count as a grade.

Classroom Bee Study Lists

If children are interested in participating further, they can begin studying the school bee study list, linked below. 

Scripps School spelling bee list

The top two students from each classroom are invited to participate in the Elm School spelling bee held in person on December 18, 2024 after school. More information regarding the Elm School spelling bee will be shared with the classroom bee winners after the classroom bees are held. The two overall students with the highest scores from the Elm School spelling bee will move on to compete at the District 181 spelling bee on January 22, 2005. More information will be provided to the school bee winners after the school bee is complete. 

One more family resource for the Scripps Spelling Bee is Word Club App. Click here for more details


E-Bike and Scooter Information from Burr Ridge Police

The Burr Ridge Police Department has created the flyer below to help get the word out and to help parents and students understand the legal uses and rules for these devices. 


Veteran's Day Assembly

Join us on Tuesday, November 12 at 1PM for a short Veteran's Day assembly led by the Elm School Choir. All are welcome to attend, including any family members who are serving or have served in the armed forces. 


Pertussis (whooping cough) Case Activity

With rising disease activity nationally and locally, the DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) continues to receive reports of pertussis (whooping cough) cases, with many cases occurring in children and adolescents. We appreciate your cooperation and vigilance toward early detection, treatment, and prevention of pertussis cases, particularly in school settings among students. 

Meredith Jaye Fundraiser on Thursday 11/7

You're invited to support Elm School while you shop! Need some new fall clothes? Getting ready for the holidays? Meredith Jaye (Burr Ridge) is donating back 15% of all sales on Thursday 11/7 (must mention Elm PTO Fundraiser). There are multiple ways to shop: during the day, online, or attend the private Elm School sip and shop night! See flyer for details.
Meredith Jaye carries clothing, jewelry and accessories, home decor, and serveware, all at great prices! Pick up hostess gifts, holiday gifts, and items for yourself!
Please RSVP HERE. Help spread the word - forward to friends and family and post on your socials!

Library News

Book Character Pumpkins

All book character pumpkins are ready for pick-up. We had 75 amazing entries this year! Students voted the last week of October during their library or iLab classes. Grade level winners were announced on Friday, November 1st. Here is a slideshow of our creative pumpkin book characters along with the books that inspired the creations. Enjoy!

Picture Retake Day - Monday 11/11

If your child was absent on picture day, their name is already on the retake list. If you are unhappy with your original photo, please email Mary Lynn Miscimarra at mmiscimarra@d181.org or call Elm's office at 630-861-4001 to add your child's name to the retake list. If a picture package was purchased, please return the package to the photographer. Be aware that the retake photo replaces the original photo.

Principal's Corner

Fall Party and Costume Parade Information

The children will celebrate Fall with a party and a costume parade on Thursday, October 31st. The outdoor all-school parade will begin at approximately 9:00 am directly after arrival and attendance. Parents are invited to join us this morning for the parade of costumes outside. The parade route is shown on the map below. 

Students should wear their costumes to school and please apply makeup at home. I would like to remind families that costumes with excessive gore or blood are not to be worn at school. Weapons or anything that looks like weapons are absolutely not allowed. Physical education and recess will take place as usual. Please bring a change of clothes if necessary so students may participate fully in the day.

Classroom parties will take place during the school day, and our generous PTO is providing SkinnyPop Brand Popcorn (ingredient information listed below) for our students to enjoy. 

*Afternoon kindergarten students and families are invited to participate in the costume parade. Please arrive between 8:30-8:40 on the morning of the 31st to do so. Parents will need to take their child home directly after the parade, and then return for their afternoon class. The afternoon students will have their classroom party as well. 


Picture Retake Day: Monday, November 11th

If your child was absent on picture day, their name is already on the retake list. If you are unhappy with your original photo, please email Mary Lynn Miscimarra at mmiscimarra@d181.org or call Elm's office at 630-861-4001 to add your child's name to the retake list. If a picture package was purchased, please return the package to the photographer. Be aware that the retake photo replaces the original photo. 


Parent Teacher Conferences

Starting at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, November 1st, you will have access to schedule parent-teacher conference(s) for your child through Skyward Family Access. Parent-teacher conferences will be held from 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. on Monday, November 25th, and 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th. Elementary conferences are scheduled for 15 minutes in length.  Parent-teacher conference sign-up will close on November 15th at 3:00 p.m. 

Once you log into Skyward, you will have the option to sign up for a conference with your child’s elementary classroom teacher. We look forward to seeing you in our schools on November 25-26, 2024. Please use this document for detailed directions on how to sign up using Skyward Family Access. If you are having any issues with Skyward selecting your child's conference, please email nskrip@d181.org.

Library News

Wild Robot BOOK vs MOVIE Challenge
Have you seen The Wild Robot movie and noticed some key differences from the book?  If so, enter The Wild Robot Book vs Movie Challenge for a chance to win a Wild Robot movie/book raffle prize!  Entry forms can be submitted to Mrs. Petersen until 10/31/24. Let's see how many differences our Elm students can find!


November Library Bookmarks
Each month two grade levels will be able to create and design bookmarks for the library. For the month of November, any 2nd or 3rd grader that would like to create a bookmark for the library can participate. The entry form can be found here. Students also brought a paper copy home in Friday Folders. Be creative and have fun! Bookmarks are due by Friday, November 1st. 
Chris Grabenstein Author Visit - Grades K-5 
On Wednesday, November 6th, New York Times bestselling author, Chris Grabenstein, will visit Elm students! This is such a special treat because Chris was supposed to visit in 2023 for One School One Book and had to cancel for a health issue. We are so glad that he is healthy and finally coming to see us!
Chris will be selling two different titles - one hardcover and one paperback option. The hardcover book, Mr. Lemoncello's Fantabulous Finale, is $17.99 and the paperback book, Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library: The Graphic Novel, is $13.99. To guarantee a personalized, autographed copy of either of these books, please return this order form with payment by Friday, November 1st. There will also be a paper form found in Friday Folders. (You can pay online using your child’s Skyward account or with a check payable to CCSD 181). Even if you pay on Skyward, please return the order form so I will know exactly which titles your child is ordering since there are multiple options for this particular author. If you miss the November 1st date, there will be a limited supply of signed books available for purchase through November 13th.
To purchase on Skyward:
Log into student account. Click the fees tab. Click add a fee. Select Book Title and add to cart. Pay. Please note the hardcover book cost is $17.99 and the paperback book cost is $13.99.

Fall Spirit Week

Join your fellow Bulldogs for an exciting Spirit Week!