Spirit Wear
The Elm Online Spiritwear Store is now open and taking orders! This online store will close on Monday 9/9 at midnight.
Click HERE to access this year's spiritwear! Please note - not all colors are available in both adult and children’s sizes so please select carefully! Once all orders are submitted on 9/9, it will take 3-4 weeks for production and distribution. Your purchase will go home with your child once received. If we do not meet a minimum of 24 items for a particular logo, a decision will be made as to whether to order the additional quantity for inventory or to cancel the order. You will be contacted if this happens. Embroidered items are guaranteed as there are no minimums for these styles. This will be the only time that this store will be available for the remainder of the year so please order wisely! We will be ordering some extras to have on hand for some upcoming events, but it will not be guaranteed nor will we be able to order additional items at a later time.
Please email Spiritwear@elmschoolpto.org with any questions.