The Parent List

Check out the Hinsdale Central PTO Parent List. It contains first-hand reviews from District 86 and District 181 parents about providers that have helped positively address their child’s anxiety, depression, school avoidance, eating disorders, insomnia, peer relations, grief, stress, substance abuse, and more. Much like “Angie’s List,” The Parent List contains resources in our community that have already been successfully used by another parent. Insightful reviews on doctors, therapists, support groups, inpatient and outpatient programs, tutors, nutritionists, books and holistic medical approaches may all be found on The Parent List. To read existing Parent List provider reviews, go to


The Parent List always needs fresh referrals to keep current. Help another local parent by leaving your anonymous review on a local provider by clicking HERE.
Questions can be directed to:

In no way does the Elm School or Hinsdale Central PTO, Elm School or Hinsdale Central High School staff, School Districts 86, 63 or 181 endorse or recommend any specific provider reviewed on The Parent List. The Parent List is a subjective forum set up by the Hinsdale Central PTO for your convenience. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for deciding to use any of the service providers on The Parent List in any capacity, and District 86, District 63, District 181, and the Elm School and Hinsdale Central High School PTOs disclaim all liability for any damages, injuries, losses, expenses, or claims of any kind arising out of the provision of services by anyone or any agency appearing on The Parent List.