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Chick-fil-A Fundraiser - Monday 10/7, 4-7PM
If you can’t join at that time, no worries - the fundraiser is 4-7pm and drive-through and pick-up orders are included, but please make sure to tell them you are with the Elm School fundraiser. Vegetarian options available.

Sign up to Volunteer for the Fall Classroom Parties!
Elm's Fall Parties will take place on Thursday, 10/31 - each class will have their party at the time slot designated by the teachers and take place in the classroom. Please fill out the form HERE if you are interested in volunteering to help out during your class's party. Please take note of the party time when signing up to ensure you are available. The form will close Thursday 10/10 at 10:00 pm.
Please reach out with any questions!
- Maya Atassi and Tina Shima, VPs of Room Parents
Spiritwear Orders Received & Distributed!
Spiritwear orders have been received and sorted. These should have went home with one of your children! If you had any issues with your order, you should have been contacted directly. If you are interested in any more of our current inventory or want to alert me to items you may want in a future order, please email us at Please note: the website orders in September is the sole time we place a bulk order. Extra inventory is sometimes ordered to sell at events, but not guaranteed. If you'd like to check for an exchange, please send an email accordingly. Thank you for your support, and we hope you liked the new designs!
The Wild Robot Movie Premiere Thank you
Thank you to Mrs. Petersen and all of the Elm families who joined the PTO for the viewing of The Wild Robot movie. The movie was fantastic, and it was so fun to watch it all together and see the book we read come to life.
That's a Wrap! Blanket-Making Event Success
Over 50 Elm staff, teachers, parents, and students came together for a successful charity blanket-making event on Monday 9/30. In partnership with Knitting It Together, the school was able to create dozens of blankets for cancer patients at local hospitals. Students felt proud of their work and actively engaged in giving back to the community. All blankets will be washed, tagged with personalized cards, and delivered to hospitals in need of blankets during the month of October. Thanks to all who created or sponsored blankets to make this a very special event!
HMS Home Run Inn Fundraiser
Please consider supporting Hinsdale Middle School student musicians by ordering a convenient and yummy meal for your family by Wednesday, 10/9 HERE! The HMS Music Department will be traveling to Orlando in February 2025 to perform. Pickup date/location: Wednesday, 10/16 at HMS from 2-4:30pm (top parking deck). Pickups anytime after 4:30pm can be accommodated, contact parent Denys at Thank you for supporting our HMS students!
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18