Science Fair Thank You!

The Science Fair last week was a success and it was great to see so many young scientists showing off their knowledge and presentation skills. Experiments included everything from making rock candy, to vegetables conducting electricity, to soil erosion and more! There were 34 projects total, and all grades were well represented. Thank you to all of our volunteer judges who came and provided feedback to student projects!

Principal's Corner



CSCI Climate Survey Information

The D181 2024-25 CSCI climate survey will be open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Families will receive a link to complete the survey via email on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Staff will complete the survey during a staff meeting, and students (grades 4-8) will complete the survey during school. 

This annual survey is not only a requirement for all school districts in the state but also an opportunity to share how we're performing as a school district with audiences near and far.

Participation from parents, teachers, and students is crucial to ensure we get a valuable snapshot of D181's school climate. All survey results are anonymous, as responses are reported directly to the National School Climate Center before being made available to the District and public. 

If you elect to skip a question or feel a question does not apply to you, please select “Does Not Apply”.
For more information, visit

Order by Wednesday 2/19 12pm for Special Lunch on Thursday 2/27

The next Special Lunch (Panda Express) is on Thursday, February 27th. Orders must be placed by 12pm on Wednesday, February 19th. See ordering instructions HERE

The Parent List

How Can You Find Beneficial Support Services for Your Child?
Check out the Hinsdale Central PTO Parent List. It contains first-hand reviews from District 86 and District 181 parents about providers that have helped positively address their child’s anxiety, depression, school avoidance, eating disorders, insomnia, peer relations, grief, stress, substance abuse, and more. Much like “Angie’s List,” The Parent List contains resources in our community that have already been successfully used by another parent. Insightful reviews on doctors, therapists, support groups, inpatient and outpatient programs, tutors, nutritionists, books and holistic medical approaches may all be found on The Parent List. To read existing Parent List provider reviews, go to
The Parent List always needs fresh referrals to keep current. Help another local parent by leaving your anonymous review on a local provider by clicking HERE.
Questions can be directed to:

In no way does the Elm School or Hinsdale Central PTO, Elm School or Hinsdale Central High School staff, School Districts 86, 63 or 181 endorse or recommend any specific provider reviewed on The Parent List. The Parent List is a subjective forum set up by the Hinsdale Central PTO for your convenience. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for deciding to use any of the service providers on The Parent List in any capacity, and District 86, District 63, District 181, and the Elm School and Hinsdale Central High School PTOs disclaim all liability for any damages, injuries, losses, expenses, or claims of any kind arising out of the provision of services by anyone or any agency appearing on The Parent List.

Principal's Corner


Valentine’s Day

We look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day with our students, including the sharing of valentines. If students choose to participate, they will need to send valentines for their entire class on Friday, February 14th. Please do not include any food or candy with the valentines as these items cannot be passed out and will be returned to families. Parents should not feel obligated to buy expensive gifts or elaborate cards for the students - a simple handwritten note to peers would be appreciated just as much! 

The Elm School PTO will be providing Annie’s Fruit Snacks for the classroom valentines exchange. The ingredient label is found below. 




CSCI Climate Survey Information 

The D181 2024-25 CSCI climate survey will be open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Families will receive a link to complete the survey via email on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Staff will complete the survey during a staff meeting, and students (grades 4-8) will complete the survey during school. 

This annual survey is not only a requirement for all school districts in the state but also an opportunity to share how we're performing as a school district with audiences near and far.

Participation from parents, teachers, and students is crucial to ensure we get a valuable snapshot of D181's school climate. All survey results are anonymous, as responses are reported directly to the National School Climate Center before being made available to the District and public. 

If you elect to skip a question or feel a question does not apply to you, please select “Does Not Apply”.

For more information, visit

Valentine's Day Pizza Kit Sale - Orders due by Sunday 2/9 6pm

The Elm PTO has partnered with Antonino's Pizza in LaGrange to bring you Valentine's Day Heart Shaped Pizza Kits. The kits will include a 12" heart-shaped pizza dough, cheese, sauce, a child's chef hat and optional pepperoni. Each pizza feeds 1-2 children. Kits will be available for pick up at the Elm School lobby on Thursday, February 13th, 3:15-4:15pm. The cost of each kit is $22 and payment is due at time of order. Order HERE by Sunday, February 9th, 6:00pm (no exceptions). Zelle:

Thank You for Attending Elm's Multicultural Event!

The PTO's Community & Culture Committee hosted Elm's first ever Multicultural Event, Worlds of Wonder, on Saturday, February 8th. More than 250 people participated in the vibrant celebration of diversity - thank you for attending! Also, a big thank you goes out to all of the amazing families who generously showcased and shared their culture and heritage with us and to school staff and administration for their support. If you came out to the event and would like to provide feedback, please click HERE

Principal's Corner

Community Speaker Series

Registration is now open for the next event of the Community Speaker Series season! We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Michele Borba to share her parenting expertise with our community. Her dynamic approach and deep understanding of empathy will be of interest to parents of all ages of children.


There will be an evening presentation and a morning presentation to accommodate our audience. Both events will be held in person at The Community House. The events are free and open to all. This year, local businesses are being invited to support the CSS as community partners by providing hospitality at the CSS events. Come out to connect, learn and enjoy!


Wednesday, February 5

Evening  Session:


Thursday, February 6

Morning Session:


Culled from 30 years of research and experience, Dr. Borba shares why empathy is a skill that's vital for children's mental health, resilience, leadership skills, and job success and provides useful tools that parents can use to help our children become more empathetic.


Valentine’s Day

We look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day with our students, including the sharing of valentines. If students choose to participate, they will need to send valentines for their entire class on Friday, February 14th. Please do not include any food or candy with the valentines as these items cannot be passed out and will be returned to families. Parents should not feel obligated to buy expensive gifts or elaborate cards for the students - a simple handwritten note to peers would be appreciated just as much! 

The Elm School PTO will be providing Annie’s Fruit Snacks for the classroom valentines exchange. The ingredient label is found below. 


D181 registration for the 2025-2026 school year is just around the corner! More information for New Students, Preschool and Kindergarten registration will be sent to families from the district on February 3rd.


CSCI Climate Survey Information

The D181 2024-25 CSCI climate survey will be open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Families will receive a link to complete the survey via email on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Staff will complete the survey during a staff meeting, and students (grades 4-8) will complete the survey during school. This annual survey is not only a requirement for all school districts in the state but also an opportunity to share how we're performing as a school district with audiences near and far.


Participation from parents, teachers, and students is crucial to ensure we get a valuable snapshot of D181's school climate. All survey results are anonymous, as responses are reported directly to the National School Climate Center before being made available to the District and public. 


If you elect to skip a question or feel a question does not apply to you, please select “Does Not Apply”.

For more information, visit