Worlds of Wonder Multicultural Event - Saturday 2/8, 2-4pm - RSVP Now!
RSVP to attend Elm's first ever Multicultural Event, Worlds of Wonder, on Saturday, February 8th, 2-4pm. Welcome remarks and performances begin at 2:45pm. Come celebrate our diverse community! Bring your friends and family - all are welcome!
Note: Foods and beverages offered during the event may contain allergens such as tree nuts, eggs, wheat, soy, milk, fish, shell fish or sesame, among other allergens. Each country has supplied the ingredients for their sample foods, which will be displayed at the event. Known ingredients and allergens have been noted; however, all items may have been made in facilities with allergens. Any participant with an allergy should be aware of a high risk of cross contact as it relates to allergens. Parents are responsible for monitoring their children and any food samples consumed.