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Principal's Corner
Elm School Spelling Bee
This year, The Elm School Scripps Spelling Bee will be offered to our third through fifth grade students. During the week of December 2nd, written spelling bees will be conducted in each third, fourth and fifth grade classroom. To prepare, students should start with the classroom bee study list below that includes words from level 3, 4 and 5, all of which may be included in the school bee. Every child in these grades will be given a study list, however, this is an optional activity. This "test" will not count as a grade.
If children are interested in participating further, they can begin studying the school bee study list, linked below.
Scripps School spelling bee list
The top two students from each classroom are invited to participate in the Elm School spelling bee held in person on December 18, 2024 after school. More information regarding the Elm School spelling bee will be shared with the classroom bee winners after the classroom bees are held.
The two overall students with the highest scores from the Elm School spelling bee will move on to compete at the District 181 spelling bee on January 22, 2025. More information will be provided to the school bee winners after the school bee is complete.
One more family resource for the Scripps Spelling Bee is Word Club App. Click here for more details.
In the News
Recently, Elm School has been featured consistently ranking among the top educational institutions! This remarkable achievement underscores the school's dedication to fostering an exceptional learning environment for its students and celebrates the academic successes of its learners.
For those interested in exploring more, Chicago Parent magazine has recently published an online article that features an overview of the top schools in the Chicagoland area. This article also highlights the leading schools in DuPage County. Furthermore, Elm School has earned recognition in the U.S. News rankings, identifying it as one of the top schools in Illinois. A big shout out to the Bulldogs for their hard work and dedication!
NWEA MAP Testing Building Schedule
12/9: 4th ELA, 5th ELA
12/10: 2nd ELA, 4th Math
12/11: 1st ELA, 3rd ELA
12/12: 1st Math, 3rd Math
12/13: 2nd Math, 5th Math
Preparing for MAP
A student who is well-rested, well-fed, and has a positive attitude about assessment is best prepared for testing. You can help your child do his or her best by considering these tips:
Make sure that your child is in school and on time on test days.
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and eats a healthy breakfast before each day of testing.
Remind your child that this assessment is only one measure. Emphasize that you have confidence in his or her ability to do the best job possible.
Remind your child to listen to the directions and read each question carefully during testing.
Communication of Student Scores
Your child’s score report will be available in Skyward after D181 administration is complete.
Thank You to FMSC Volunteers!
Thank you to all the wonderful Elm parents and children for volunteering at Feed My Starving Children on Saturday, November 30th! During our session, our families and other volunteers packed 36,936 meals, which will feed 101 kids a daily meal for a year. What an amazing accomplishment! The PTO's Community & Culture Committee looks forward to future community service events with our Bulldog family!
Order by Wednesday 12/4 12PM for Special Lunch on Thursday 12/12
The next Special Lunch (Sarpino's) is on Thursday, December 12th. Orders must be placed by 12pm on Wednesday, December 4th. See ordering instructions HERE.
Next PTO Meeting - Friday 12/6, 9-10AM
Please join us on Friday, December 6th at 9am in the staff lounge for our monthly PTO Meeting. You can also access the meeting via Zoom HERE if you're unable to attend in person (Meeting ID: 833 9431 6349, Passcode: 347206).
Book Fair - Saturday 12/7, 9AM-3PM
Save the Date for the Elm School Book Fair!
Saturday, December 7th, 9AM - 3PM at Elm School Gym
*40% of our sales go directly to the purchase of new books for the Elm Library!
*All students must be accompanied by an adult at the sale.
*PTO will sell Elm Spirit Wear and Page's delicious donuts!
*Bring a toy to donate to the Lurie Children's Hospital toy drive or make a card for patients receiving treatment at Lurie's with the Elm PTO Community & Culture Committee (all materials provided).
If you are unable to attend, or prefer to order online:
- Go to
- Place books in your cart that you would like to purchase.
- Include SCHOOL NAME (ELM) and CITY (BURR RIDGE) so we get credit for your purchase.
- Choose to have the books shipped directly to you or to Elm School for pickup.
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS!
Interested in being a volunteer at the sale? We are looking for help with set up, registers, and tear down. Click HERE to sign up!
Thank you for supporting the Elm School Library!
Volunteer to Sell Snacks and Spiritwear at the Book Fair
The PTO will be selling snacks and spiritwear at the Book Fair on Saturday 12/7. Help support our fundraising efforts by signing up to volunteer HERE.
Toy Drive to Benefit Lurie Children’s Hospital - 12/7 at the Book Fair
This year, Elm PTO’s Community & Culture Committee will host a toy drive to benefit Lurie Children’s Hospital through a collection box at the Book Fair on December 7 (9 am – 3 pm). Items may be purchased off of Lurie’s wish list and brought to the book fair for donation. For families that cannot attend the book fair, items may be shipped directly to Lurie’s by selecting the “HEM/ONC DONATIONS – Charlotte Miller” shipping address, which will automatically show up as an option on Amazon when you visit the wish list and check out. Students will also be invited to make cards at the book fair for Lurie’s patients to send along with the donations. Please contact Sumi Pitroda at with any questions.
Minted Fundraiser
Help the Elm School PTO fundraise by shopping at Minted! You'll get 20% off holiday cards and gifts and 15% of every purchase gets donated to the PTO.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14